
Layout, organization, and original content copyright Scott, 2005


You take a nap and nearly 10 years goes by. It's hard to believe I started this site in 1994 (31 years ago) while I was in college. Anyway, this is just a dusty time capsule for how the internet used to be in a simpler kinder time. These lyrics ring so true today
"It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate
It takes strength to be gentle and kind."


Yeah, you blink and 10 years goes by. I'm keeping this site around as a bit of an archive to nostalgia, to remember how things used to be. As I write this update in raw HTML (I had used Dreamweaver to manage it) the site has so much wrong with it now. So many links are gone. If I delete them here, who will remember them? "All those people, all those lives where are they now?"
"Good night, and thank you."


Wow! Everything sold and some of you really wanted my stuff! I know you'll enjoy it as I did back in the day. I'm happy everything has found a new home.


I'm finally doing it. I'm selling all my old Morrissey and Smiths stuff - posters, fanzines, magazines, music papers, and more! Go >check out the sales on ebay!


Sorry for the downtime. A fuse blew in my basement while I was out of town so the servers were off for a few days. The Movie page has rotated a bit again.


I seem to have been discovered by the Morrissey boards. That would explain why my DSL got SO slow last night! I rotated the movies for those folks. What took you so long? It's only been 10 years now! :-)


I just slipped by the 10 year anniversary of the site. Sorta in celebration I'm going to be selling a bunch of my old Smiths / Morrissey stuff. Before you get too excited, it's mainly all my paper items -- fanzines, magazines, posters, CD longboxes, music papers and the like. I have a lot of fanzines. They give you a great view of the way information was distributed in the early 90s before everyone was so wired. I haven't been using them and I'd rather they find a home with a fan who will enjoy reading them as new. I'm still inventorying them currently.


I've put up part 3 of the South Bank Show on the Movie page now. Sorry if the site appeared down recently. My DSL router was being weird and I just noticed the site wasn't talking to the outside world.


I've put up part 2 of the South Bank Show on the Movie page now.


To celebrate Moz's birthday, I've put up part 1 of the South Bank Show on the Movie page. It's a little large so I'm not sure if anyone will be able to download it.


I've rotated the historic clips on the Movie page again. I've started some ramblings about the 10-year anniversary on the History page.


I received some great jpegs of the Southern Cemetery from a fan and added them to the MozGuide UK 2.0. Enjoy!


I've rotated the historic clips on the Movie page. Check them out!


I think it's time to launch MozGuide UK 2.0. Taking the info I had before now you can add comments to the sights to help the guide evolve over time. And I've improved some of the online map links. Give it a try! It looks to be about 6 months until this site reaches 10, how far it's come.


I've linked up some more historic clips on the Movie page. Check them out! After looking at the MozGuide UK I decided to try to make it better. For a while I've had the desire to make it more interactive and dynamic and I think I've got a solution. I'm still testing it, but look for MozGuide 2.0 soon! I just have to plug the original version of this page again -- birth.



I've made some updates to my good old MozGuide UK. It's grown terribly out of date and is in need of changes. It hadn't been updated much since 1999. But now I've added a lot of online map links to help guide you. I had a bunch of great suggestions from readers but my hard drive crashed and I lost all my e-mails in the middle of last year. And of course the book Morrissey's Manchester probably does an excellent job.

In addition I have come across my original page from 1994! It's pretty bad and all the links are dead now. But it's funny to see. I'm hoping to find some of the icons I had used. birth.



With this site approaching its 10 year anniversary in August I've grown a bit retrospective. I've been digitizing some of my archival video tapes of obscure Smiths appearances from the 1980s. I fear these tapes will die soon so I wanted to get them digital. Now you get to see some of the interesting appearances because of this work.

I plan on rotating through them over the coming months. Happy New Year!

To make room for these new things I've taken down everything that was on the Movie page - including Rank.